Microsuction and syringing are two methods that can be used to remove excess ear wax, or cerumen, from the ear canal.
Microsuction is a procedure in which a healthcare provider (JT Hearing Care) uses a small, handheld suction device to remove ear wax. JT Hearing care uses microsuction to remove ear wax for its clients, we use the Tympa mobile system to help us do this in our client’s homes.
We use the device to gently suck the ear wax out of the ear canal. This procedure is usually done in a healthcare setting and may be recommended if ear wax has built up and is causing symptoms such as hearing loss or earache.
Syringing, also known as ear irrigation, is a procedure in which a healthcare provider uses an ear syringe to flush out ear wax using a stream of water. This procedure is also usually done in a healthcare setting and may be recommended if ear wax has built up and is causing symptoms such as hearing loss or earache.
Both microsuction and syringing are generally safe, but it is essential to follow the instructions of the healthcare provider carefully and not try to remove ear wax on your own if you have any underlying ear conditions or if the ear canal is damaged. If you have concerns about ear wax build-up or are experiencing symptoms, it is best to get in touch with us.